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Climate accelerator programme opens for submissions

A new climate accelerator programme aimed at SMEs and start-ups operating in the built environment has opened for submissions.

The Built Environment Accelerator is a collaboration between Tangent, Trinity College Dublin’s Ideas Workspace, and innovation hub Green TechHQ.

It is supported by EIT (European Institute of Technology) Climate KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community).

Recognising the imperative for the built environment and construction industries to embrace a net-zero carbon future, the programme is poised to find solutions to reduce carbon emission in these sectors.

The accelerator is geared towards empowering SMEs and startups to bring solutions to the market. Through a six-month programme, participants will establish connections within an international ecosystem of collaborators and leaders. This includes partners like the EIT Climate-KIC community, mentors, entrepreneurs, and alumni.

Complementing this network is a suite of commercial and strategic supports.

The programme will be delivered remotely from Trinity College Dublin and includes a combination of workshops, coaching and learning from peers.

Ken Finnegan, CEO of Tangent, said, “While many people focus on the risks brought about by global warming, a number of companies are seeing business potential in addressing the problem. The Built Environment ClimAccelerator is helping companies to commercialise and scale existing solutions while also nurturing innovations that can help the built environment sector accelerate its transition to net-zero carbon.”

Mr Finnegan invited innovators and entrepreneurs with new solutions in low carbon and green design, circular materials, energy and maintenance systems in addition to transport, monitoring and reporting systems to submit an application to join the programme.

Ed Murphy, Founder of GreenTech HQ said, “We are delighted to partner with Tangent, and we are excited to engage with companies seeking innovative approaches to accelerate the transition to low or zero carbon emission forms of construction.”

All interested in participating will have an opportunity to hear more about the programme and meet the facilitators on August 29 via an online webinar.

Article Source: Climate accelerator programme opens for submissions – RTE

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